You can find my papers on ADS or on arXiv.

First author papers (reverse chronological order)
  1. C. A. Raithel and V. Paschalidis. "Detectability of Finite-Temperature Effects from Neutron Star Mergers with Next-Generation Gravitational Wave Detectors," PRD, Volume 110, Issue 4, 2024. PRD | arXiv
  2. C. A. Raithel and V. Paschalidis. "Influence of Stellar Compactness on Finite-Temperature Effects in Neutron Star Merger Simulations," PRD, Volume 108, Issue 8, 2023. PRD | arXiv.
  3. C. A. Raithel and E. R. Most. "Degeneracy in the Inference of Phase Transitions in the Neutron Star Equation of State from Gravitational Wave Data." PRL, Volume 130, Issue 20, 2023. PRL | arXiv.
  4. C. A. Raithel and E. R. Most. "Tidal Deformability Doppelgangers: Implications of a low-density phase transition in the neutron star equation of state," PRD, Volume 108, Issue 2, 2023. PRD | arXiv.
  5. C. A. Raithel, P. Espino, and V. Paschalidis. "Finite-temperature effects in dynamical-spacetime binary neutron star merger simulations: Validation of the parametric approach," MNRAS, Volume 516, Issue 4, 2022. MNRAS | arXiv.
  6. C. A. Raithel and V. Paschalidis. "Improving the convergence order of binary neutron star merger simulations in the BSSN formulation," PRD, Volume 106, Issue 2, 2022. PRD | arXiv.
  7. C. A. Raithel and E. R. Most. (Authors contributed equally). "Characterizing the Breakdown of Quasi-Universality in the Post-Merger Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Star Mergers," ApJ Letters, Volume 933, L39, 2022. ApJ Letters | arXiv.
  8. E. R. Most and C. A. Raithel. (Authors contributed equally). "Impact of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy on the Post-Merger Phase of a Binary Neutron Star Coalescence," PRD, Vol. 104, Issue 12, 2021. PRD | arXiv.
  9. C. Raithel, V. Paschalidis, and F. Özel. "Realistic Finite-Temperature Effects in Neutron Star Merger Simulations," Phys Rev D, Vol 104, Issue 6, 2021. PRD | arXiv.
  10. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "Optimized Statistical Approach for Comparing Multi-Messenger Neutron Star Data," ApJ, Vol. 908, Issue 1, article id. 103, 2021. ApJ | arXiv.
  11. C. Raithel and F. Özel. "Measurement of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy Parameters from Gravitational Wave Events," ApJ, Vol. 885, Issue 2, article id. 121, 2019. ApJ | arXiv.
  12. C. Raithel. "Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State from GW170817," Invited review for the EpJA Topical Issue on The First Neutron Star Merger Observation, 2019. EpJA | arXiv.
  13. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "Finite-Temperature Extension for Cold Neutron Star Equations of State." ApJ, Vol. 875, Issue 1, article id. 12, 2019. ApJ | arXiv.
  14. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "Tidal Deformability from GW170817 as a Direct Probe of the Neutron Star Radius." ApJ Letters, Vol. 857, Issue 2, article id. L23, 2018. ApJ Letters | arXiv.
  15. C. Raithel, T. Sukhbold, and F. Özel. "Confronting Models of Massive Star Evolution and Explosions with Remnant Mass Measurements." ApJ, Vol. 856, Issue 1, article id. 35, 2018. ApJ | arXiv.
  16. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "From Neutron Star Observables to the Equation of State. II. Bayesian Inference of Equation of State Parameters." ApJ, Vol. 844, Issue 2, 156, 2017. ApJ | arXiv.
  17. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "From Neutron Star Observables to the Equation of State. I. An Optimal Parametrization." ApJ, Vol. 831, Issue 1, 44, 2016. ApJ | arXiv.
  18. C. Raithel, F. Özel, and D. Psaltis. "Model-Independent Inference of Neutron Star Radii from Moment of Inertia Measurements." PRC, Vol. 93, Issue 3, id.032801, 2016. PRC | arXiv.
  19. C. Raithel, R. M. Shannon, S. Johnston, and M. Kerr. "Two Radio Emission Mechanisms in PSR J0901-4624." ApJ Letters, Vol. 804, Issue 1, L18, 2015. ApJ Letters | arXiv.